Time to Write
Prompts to Get the Words Flowing
A Community to Keep You Motivated
Prompts and writing in community are great ways to tap into your creativity and unlock the ideas that bubble just below the surface. For novice and veteran writers—and everyone in between—Time to Write! will bring you back to the page and rekindle your delight in the writing process. (Sessions are led by Red Oak Director, Kim Suhr, and meet via Zoom)

Feb 27; Mar 6, 13, 20, 27; Apr 3 (register)
from 10 – 11:30 am (CDT)
The sense of community I get from Time To Write! enriches not only my writing life, but provides me with a sense of creative accomplishment. It also encourages me to make an effort to open my mind and let my thoughts flow out onto the page…
Sharon S.
Red Oak Writing, and Kim Suhr in particular, have given me something I have long lacked – the confidence to think of myself as a writer. Time to Write! has deepened my passion for and relationship with the pen and for that, I am immensely grateful.
Five gold stars, two thumbs up – don’t miss it.
India M.
Time to Write! stretches me and inspires my writing, even though I just write for myself. Many prompts (Chewing gum! A “first!” My childhood kitchen!) remind me of warm and nostalgic sensory details. Kim Suhr’s feedback is always positive and encouraging, with gentle suggestions. I’m gleefully creative during class, and the time flies by with joy!
Ginger G.
I always look forward to Kim’s Time to Write! I love her readings, prompts and feedback. Most of all I like the shared community of writers, not just for the writing but for the wonderful therapeutic effects Kim’s class has on my life!
Phil S.
The Time To Write! online class provides me with opportunities to meet other writers living in other states. The endless supply of prompts encourages everyone to have fun throughout the ninety minute session. I’ve been blessed to have joined the group and remain active as a writer.
Aline M.